Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hispanic Heritage Month

     Hispanic Heritage Month is coming to an end.  This begins on September 15th and ends on october 15th.  During hispanic heritage month we celebrate the wonderful contributions made by Hispanics Americans to the United States.  the traditions and experiences of hispanic americans help make the united states a diverse and exciting place to live.
     People residing in the united states trace their roots to Spain, Mexico,parts of central america, south america, and the caribbean.  
      There are many hispanics who have made history.  The first Hispanic woman to become an astronaut was Ellen Ochoa.  she was Mexican American and born in 1958.  A Hispanic opera diva was Lucrezia Bori.  she was the first Hispanic to be debuted at the Metropolitan Opera in 1912.  Rita Moreno was the first Hispanic to win an Oscar, Grammy, a Tony, and an Emmy Award for her acting skills in drama plays.  
     Although hispanic Heritage Month is coming to its end it does not mean it should end until next year.  The number of Hispanics and latinos keeps increasing in the United States and it is something that should be celebrated always.


  1. Contribution- to contribute or help out in something
  2. Astronaut-a person that goes into space
  3. Opera-a musical dramatic play
  4. Debut-the first appearance at a show or television
Capitalization  is very important in writing.  We capitalize important names such as the name of months (February and March), names of People (Mary and Erika), places and countries (The Bronx Zoo and Chile), nationalities (such as American and Italian), and to begin a sentence or paragraph.  

On a separate sheet of paper look for all of the words that should be capitalized and correct them.  Keep in mind where capital letters are used as I mentioned in the grammar point above.  

Matching Directions: Match the words in column A to column B.
Column A                                                                                                         Column B
Lucrezia Bori                                                              a musical dramatic play

Opera                                                                         first Hispanic woman to win an award

Ellen Ochoa                                                                first Hispanic woman to be an astronaut

astronaut                                                                    first Hispanic Opera singer

debut                                                                         a person that goes into space

Rita Moreno                                                             the first appearance on a show or on TV

Capitalization                                                             is used to begin a sentence and for the names of                    
                                                                                 important place, people, and things.



  1. Interesting entry about Hispanic Heritage Month! Good matching activity too!

  2. Great idea to incorporate A Spanish holiday, it is important for all students to be aware of various cultures. Spansih ESL students can also identify with this blog, so I thought that this was a very thoughtful and personal entry. Great matching column activity by the way.
